How to Select a Birth Injury Lawyer

Choosing a birth injury attorney is something that no one wants to do—after all, if you need a birth injury attorney, it means that you or a loved one suffered serious injury or even died due to medical negligence. Birth injury victims may be children or their mothers injured during pregnancy, labor, or delivery. As you search through lists of attorneys who claim they are experienced in birth negligence cases, you should keep the following points in mind.

What percentage of the firm’s practice is dedicated to birth injury law?

Birth injury law is a highly specialized type of law. Specifically, birth injury law is a type of medical malpractice law. There are certain elements that must be proven in a birth injury claim. These are:

Each of these elements requires specific types of evidence for a claim to go forward. If one of the elements cannot be proven, the claim fails and the victim is not entitled to any compensation from the defendant.

Therefore, it is important to choose a law practice that focuses on medical negligence only and that has extensive experience in birth injury cases. Firms that exclusively handle medical negligence claims have access to valuable resources that may be used to strengthen their clients’ cases, such as a network of expert witnesses and access to critical medical journals and guidelines.

How successful is the law firm in the area of birth negligence law?

As you browse through the websites and listings of birth negligence attorneys in your area, see if you come across any information about verdicts or substantial settlements. A birth injury firm should have a strong record -- both in the courtroom and in settlements. Additionally, firms that have enjoyed community and professional recognition for their work in medical malpractice and birth injury law should be excellent options for your case.

How do you feel when you are in the law office?

Although it may not seem important to many clients in the beginning of their search for a birth injury lawyer, how well you get along with your attorney plays a substantial role in your case. You are going to be reliving some of the most painful events of your life as you go through your birth injury case—and if you do not like your attorney or do not feel comfortable with your attorney, you are going to have a difficult time explaining the details of what happened.

As you meet different attorneys, ask yourself if you feel rushed during your appointment, or if you feel as though the attorney is truly listening to you. Does the attorney seem to welcome your questions and concerns? Does the attorney invite you to email him or her directly with questions throughout your case, or are you rerouted to a paralegal?

You and your attorney form a partnership that lasts throughout your case—your attorney needs information from you, and you need your attorney’s legal experience and advice. You must communicate often, and it is important that you feel comfortable doing so.

Call The Eisen Law Firm today to schedule a free consultation with our skilled birth injury lawyers

At The Eisen Law Firm, we would like you to consider us for your birth injury claim. To schedule a free consultation to discuss your case with our excellent birth injury attorneys, call 216-687-0900 or contact us online .