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Subconjunctival Hemorrhage – A Possible Sign of Severe Birth Injury

Subconjunctival Hemorrhage A Possible Sign of Severe Birth Injury

Subconjunctival hemorrhages, or subconjunctival hematomas, occur when there is a rupture of small blood vessels in the conjunctiva, which is the thin membrane that lines the inner surface of the eyelids and covers the white part of the eye. Most laypeople who have seen such a hemorrhage call it a “broken blood vessel in the eye” or “red eye.”

This condition may occur under a variety of circumstances. For example, it may manifest after a sick person experiences intense coughing or vomiting. Healthy individuals can suffer this condition when straining or during heavy lifting. It may also occur during labor or delivery due to medical malpractice or a birth injury. Subconjunctival hematoma may indicate a birth injury caused by medical malpractice, such as failure to adequately monitor fetal heart rate or improper use of forceps during delivery.

It is essential to speak to an experienced birth injury attorney if your infant has suffered a subconjunctival hemorrhage and any other atypical symptoms from the birthing process. Depending on the circumstances, your family may be entitled to significant compensation.

Treatment For Subconjunctival Hemorrhage

A subconjunctival hemorrhage is usually harmless, though this condition may be associated with bruising and discomfort around the affected eye. Most patients experience mild cases that clear up in two to three weeks without needing treatment.

Subconjunctival Hemorrhage As A Sign of Serious Injury

In some cases, however, a subconjunctival hemorrhage may be a sign of something more serious. Signs that it is more serious include blurred vision, pain, redness around both eyes, swelling of the eyes, coughing up blood, or difficulty breathing. A “red eye” plus any of these signs may indicate a serious condition such as a bleeding disorder, a tumor, or a serious birth injury.

Some traumatic birth injuries, like cerebral palsy, may result from increased intracranial pressure. Sometimes, the most apparent sign of intracranial pressure is a subconjunctival hemorrhage. This condition frequently calls for additional monitoring and examination to determine whether an infant with this condition has sustained additional harm. A subconjunctival hemorrhage should also signal a need for additional testing if doctors used forceps or other delivery assistance tools during delivery.

Causes Of Subconjunctival Hemorrhage

Forceps deliveries and vacuum extractions increase pressure on the head and can lead to trauma to fragile tissue in the area around the eyes. Negligent use of these birth support devices frequently results in physical harm to the infant’s body and is a common trigger for conditions like subconjunctival hemorrhage. In addition to being caused by medical malpractice during birth and delivery, subconjunctival hemorrhage can come from trauma to the head or face before or shortly after birth. 

Parents need to be aware of all possible signs and symptoms associated with their newborn’s health to identify any concerning symptoms that require further evaluation by their healthcare providers. Parents should also take time before labor to discuss any risks associated with certain procedures used during birth so that they can make informed decisions about their baby’s care.

If parents suspect that their child has been injured due to medical negligence during delivery, they should contact an experienced medical malpractice attorney immediately, as they may have grounds upon which to file a medical malpractice lawsuit.

Schedule A Consultation With A Skilled Ohio Birth Injury Attorney To Learn More

Contact the experienced Ohio birth injury attorneys at The Eisen Law Firm if you’re concerned about the harm your infant has suffered due to the birthing process. Our attorneys are passionate about holding doctors and healthcare providers accountable when their negligence causes birth injuries. Reach out today to schedule a free initial consultation and case review with one of our attorneys. Call us at 216-687-0900, or contact us online to set up a time to connect. We look forward to speaking with you.