Medical Malpractice. Exclusively.

Timely Interventions Work

The Importance Of Early Diagnosis | The Eisen Law Firm

From the moment they are born and receive their first vaccines, babies receive one of the true benefits of healthcare: preventative care in the form of medical interventions.

The sheer magnitude of tests that exist to establish whether a person is healthy may seem staggering, but all are designed with a patient’s well-being in mind. If these tests — hearing and screening tests for newborns or colonoscopies or imaging studies for adults, for example — reveal a condition or disease, then doctors can determine the interventions that will best serve the patient.

Optimal timing is critical. Early diagnosis leads to well-timed interventions, which in turn can make a significant difference in patient health and well-being.

New information about when to perform various interventions comes to light every day. For instance, a recent study at Vanderbilt Medical School examined 17 years’ worth of data to determine the optimal time for children diagnosed with scoliosis to undergo corrective surgery. After comparing adult patients with adolescent patients who underwent the same spinal surgery, the researchers found that “the odds of a good outcome skew toward earlier surgery.”

Similarly, a recent study undertaken in Canada examined how to best determine the type of delivery for pregnant women who have had already had a Cesarean section instead of a vaginal birth. Since both methods of delivery contain potential risks and complications for both the mother and the baby, this decision can be complicated.

The trial included 21,281 eligible women. Approximately half of them received the intervention, which consisted of “decision-making support” for the women in the form of PRISMA, a Process for decision-making, RISk assessment and MAnagement in obstetrics. This intervention was multifaceted.

First, healthcare professionals used a decision-making tool with patients that explained the risks and benefits of each option as well as providing an opportunity for each patient to express their concerns and feelings. Then, they shared information from two clinical prediction tools. One estimated the “probability of vaginal delivery,” and the other estimated the risk of uterine rupture using an ultrasound evaluation.

Ultimately, healthcare professionals and patients proceeded to engage in shared decision-making about the best delivery method.

The result of this study found that this intervention (decision-making support) “’resulted in a significant reduction in rates of major perinatal and maternal morbidity, without an increase in the rate of caesarean or uterine rupture.’”

There is no doubt that timely interventions are an essential part of medical care and lead to positive outcomes for patients. If you or a loved one feel that an opportunity was missed for you to receive the care you deserved, contact our experienced Ohio birth injury lawyers to discuss your options for legal recourse and for obtaining the compensation you deserve. To schedule your free consultation, call 216-287-0900 or contact us online today.

Evidence for Earlier Timing in Scoliosis Intervention

Intervention Improves Outcomes For Women With Previous C-Section